I can’t do much, but I can do two things

I can pull a smooth trigger and I can cook for myself.

Mini 9mm day at the range. I picked up an FN 503 this week, and took it for its first range day. Along with my summer carry gun, a Walther PPS.

all shooting was done at 10 yards with 124 grain target loads. Standing unsupported.

I definitely like the longer mag better

Fun stuff

that’s why I carry it, slow and deliberate to “make the shot”

Now for the cooking for myself….

Flat Iron steak with BBQ glaze and carmelized pears.

Man Card Day at the range

Too much cooking, not enough shooting. I just got a Cordizone shot in my right wrist, and another in my left hand. What to do?!?!

Man Card Day at the range, 44 magnum and an AR thrown in for good measure.

Factory engraved model 29

the “Wrist Breaker” started as a Ruger Super Blackhawk. Now it’s a lot more fun.

Carry gun, S&W model 629 PC with a bunch of work done.

All shooting at 10 yards, 240 grain 44 Mags except for the Hornady carry ammo which was 200 grain XTP.

Now the Fun Gun, S&W AR-15 Sport. 50 grain target loads at 25 yards.

Just about right for a 25 yards.

Good Stuff, I missed it.

Ghosts, Not Demons.

The suicide rate of veterans is unacceptable. While there may be differing reasons for this, I have been asked my thoughts.
(These are my own thoughts based on my experience. I’m sure there are plenty who will tell me that I’m full of shit. That’s fine, this is me talking for me. For the purposes of this post “him, her, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband” are generic and no offense to anybody is intended. And if your offended by anything so foolish, what the hell are you doing here)

Training at Basic and AIT will make you think differently, feel differently, and act differently. But a deployment multiplies those differences. When I’ve been deployed, the idea of “Home” wasn’t talked about very much.
The “World” was talked about. “When I get back to the World” “I’m short to go back to the World” the idea is that where ever you are isn’t the “World” and it makes it easier to compartmentalize where you are and what you are doing. A way of separating yourself. Many wives, mothers, girlfriends complain about not getting enough letters (emails today) and that could be a part of it. The “World” doesn’t change while you’re gone, in your mind, everything and everybody is just like you left it. This can contribute greatly to the stresses of coming home.

If you ask a politician, they will tell you of the need for whatever action you are in. If you ask an old veteran, they may tell you of the glory of it. Commercials will tell you about the flag, baseball, apple pie, and patriotism.
If you ask soldiers, they may say they fight for their buddy, the team, the guy next to them. And while that may very well be true, but when rounds are incoming it gets personal very quickly.
When rounds are impacting and bullets are in the air, it hits home that “that person” “that team” “they” are trying to kill you specifically.
On a side note. When you’re killed, it’s not just you. Everybody you know, love, every friend is being taken from you, because you won’t see them again. Regardless of your religious view of the afterlife, they are being taken from you.
So when the rounds are impacting and the bullets are flying, and “they” are trying to kill you a soldier will fall back on training because an angry soldier is a dead soldier. But you will…HATE
When you’re running for cover and ducking rounds, it will rise up in you. You will grit your teeth and say something along the lines of “you mother f*ckers” and it will bubble up and make you HATE “them”
And you will KILL them or they will KILL you and take away everybody you know. You can try to nuance it with language, or deflect with reason. But it is what it is.
This can be very difficult to live with afterwords. For a normal, decent, civilized person, this is not normal. It may be natural to feel that way, but it leaves shadows on your hearts. (I don’t care who you are)

When you do redeploy and go back to the “World”, you hug your kids, kiss your wife, reach around and squeeze her little butt…….and go on. That can be hard to do because you bring things back with you. You bring a few ghosts along.
this is normal and not necessarily a bad thing. Talk about them, tell stories about them, donate in their name, sometimes it’s the best way to remember them. But don’t bring any demons back with you, because there is a difference.
You can make friends with the ghosts.

I’ve been through Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, and a few “other things” to boot. Looking back they seem to have been very close together even though they were years apart.
Today’s soldiers are suffering from repeated deployments. Especially those in Group, over and over again with made three to five months in the “World” and then gone again. Many times to the same place as before. Retention is suffering, soldiers are leaving, and killing themselves in numbers that are totally unacceptable. The VA needs funding and programs, we need to stop policing the world. Everytime I hear some politician talk about “no boots on the ground” I want to yell “they aren’t wearing sneakers, asshole”

Come home to the World, hug your kids, kiss your wife, reach around and squeeze her little butt, bring your ghosts, make friends with them. But leave the demons there.

My two cents.

357 Magnum day

I took some 357 wheelguns to the range. Plus a couple 38s.

First, a Freedom Arms model 97. With a four inch barrel and my name engraved (my tenth anniversary present)
We call this one “The Father of all Flinches” because it will certainly induce one. The “Mother of all Flinches” is a single action 44Mag with a birds head grip.
But it can shoot very well with 125 grain 357s, it’s even better with 158 grain.

THE carry gun.
S&W 586 L-Comp. Action work by the late, great Bob Munden. It had to go back to S&W for a new barrel (I literally shot it out) and I had them do a high polish finish as well.

The best “Field Gun”
S&W 627 PC. 8 357s will fix most problems. (I pulled one low)

The “Old Man”
A late sixties S&W model 19. Pinned barrel and recessed cylinder.
I don’t shoot 357s out of it due to its age, but it can shoot 38s great.

Almost as old is a Colt Detectives Special in 38 Special from 1978. This one I shot at 20ft rather than 10 yards (30ft) but hey, it’s a snubbie. And it makes the argument for Wadcutter Self Defense rounds in 38 Special.

A little out of practice. The railroad owns me for another 29 months.

the Allen Family One Skillet Paella

I was asked about my cooking the other day. I’m not big on recipes, but this is how we make Paella.

First, you need a large, deep skillet. Then add lots of meat, olive oil, and garlic. We’ve settled on smoked sausage and chicken breast.

Then add a bunch of veggies. Peppers, onions, green onions. You can add mushrooms, chickpeas, green beans. I wouldn’t recommend corn.

add a couple cans of diced tomatoes. If you want a little heat, use one can of diced tomatoes and a can of Rotel.

Keep draining it. And when it looks good to you, add Paella seasoning (available anywhere) extra Saffron, some Italian seasoning, salt/pepper. Add a carton of Chicken Broth or Stock and a cup of Arborio rice

Bring it to a rapid boil, then simmer until the rice has absorbed the broth.

Keep stirring to avoid any sticking and when the stock is absorbed…..

Good Stuff.

Mamacita Caliente Birthday

The best thing that ever happened to me is my lovely and longsuffering wife.
This is her through the years…..this is Lola Resendez at 38 years old

And this is her at 48 years old…

58 years old….

68 years old……

She married me not once….

But twice…..I think she screwed that up

And……Mama at 72 years old

It’s been a long road, Mama.
But I can’t see doing it with anybody but you. Much love to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

New Gun Day

I took the new model 25 to the range.

255 Grain loads at about 1200 fps seems like a sweet spot.

That sucker can shoot. I’m convinced, if it can shoot this well without a spring kit.
I definitely need a spring kit.

S&W M&P with a bunch of stuff done to it. I swapped out the slide from the red dot (I just can’t get used to it)

Not bad at all. 147 Grain LE rounds

Celebration Gun, S&W Model 25-15

Finally going back to work. The lovely and longsuffering Mamacita Caliente says to celebrate going through the knee replacement, PT, and recovering so well.
“I could buy a new gun!”
after ‘that look’ I said “Just a little one”
as “little one” is a relative term…S&W Model 25-15, 6.5 inch, 45 Colt, high polish blue.

took it to the range today.
here we go…

Not bad at 10 yards. This is 230 grain Armscor loads. I’m going to start reloading for it (it’s a little big for carry) since the only thing really available are full blown hunting loads or mouse fart cowboy loads.
it needs a spring kit or maybe shot a thousand times (which is more fun anyway)

Remember this one? The Freedom Arms model 97. It doesn’t like 125 grain very much.

158 grain, 357 Magnum is much better.

I took the red dot off the S&W 627PC because I just don’t like it. Getting it sighted in again.

Every day shooting is better than a day at work.

Single Action Range Day

nothing but the single action guns today
10 yards all

Remington 45 Colt clone (Uberti) box stock with a nice action.

pulling left a little bit, fixed sights, groove and flag. Nice groups though.

A little Kentucky windage. Them old cowboys had something.

Freedom Arms Model 97. 357 Magnum, 4 inch barrel. Full blown custom build.

Anniversary present from the lovely and long suffering wife.

Not bad, it doesn’t like 125 grain bullets. I need to reload some 158 grain loads.

The heavyweight, 44 Magnum. Used to be a 7.5 inch Ruger Super Blackhawk.
Heavy as a brick, but you need it for the caliber.

You need gloves for the 240 grain loads, shoots great though. (That’s a casing under the hammer, I didn’t pull any shots. LOL, Six on the target)