Gotta love Gunny

Gunny has been gone since April. I loved to watch him.

there is some language warnings with this, but it’s awesome



Political decorum

As an example:
Trump tweeted (and I assume contacted the mentioned countries) and told them that the foreign aid would stop immediately if they didn’t stop the caravan.
They are going nuts stopping the caravan

Rah, Rah, Trump, winning, MAGA.
The left had fits, the right cheered……everything was great

Then he tweets that the military will close the border…..can’t do that, I know it, they know it, I can only hope that he knows it or has a dozen advisors telling him that he can’t do that.

The base, not the right, cheers. Yes he can, do it, he can declare xxx and do it.
The left says he can’t do that he is destroying the country

And the argument shifts to the Passé Cumitatas laws and Trump trying to be a tyrant vs the base screaming that he can and should or invasion and death of the country….

What about the caravan? When you’ve won….shut up
When you’re winning….win.

And don’t shift the focus onto an argument over stupid ****. The left doesn’t have to be correct, they just have to have the argument, and they can shift the focus onto the argument rather than the issue.

Many people get caught up in the moment and can’t seem to differentiate between rhetoric and actual policy decisions.
Some people choose to remain in that same moment well beyond their own interest.

I have found myself, more than once, wanting Trump to shut the hell up and just do.
I understand that he needs to keep the motivation up and the troops rowdy and voting. Sometimes he goes too far.

He has to build the foundation of “loudmouth, knee jerk reactionary” to get the results from opponents, they have to respect his gameplay. Like the caravan being stopped and dispersed before they get to the border (hopefully) moving the embassy to Jerusalem, Paris Accords, etc

He would get a lot more done is he didn’t talk so much about it first.