Remember the good old days when a nut job would shoot up a McDonald’s because he wanted to “hunt humans” or shoot up a workplace because Batty Sue rejected him?
Now its political, the younger generation is more isolated than the pre industrial farmers by the online communities that feed into a self sustaining spiral of extremism on both sides.
The El Paso shooter was fighting the INVASION of his beloved country by the Mexicans enabled by the socialist commies in Congress. Is online presence was likely Alex Jones, Stormfront, and any other that fired up his own ignorance. Helped by the Talking Heads spouting the collapse of the country, Omar, AOC, etc.
The Dayton shooter was fighting the Nazi takeover by the racist, LGBTQWTF haters, the misogynistic pussy grabbers, and the killers of migrant children in cages. Fed by Maddow, MSNBC, Warren, Sanders, AOC, etc
We still have the nutjobs, they just get fed by politicians and media in a bubble of their own psychosis. and every time it happens, these same sources repeat the same idiocy over and over again. you want to reduce mass shootings? Stop the political bullshit.
Just because somebody disagrees with your party doesn’t make them evil incarnate, haters, killers, Nazi, Stalin, etc. we don’t vote for anything anymore, we must vote to defeat the “evil of the world from destroying the planet” or “defending our way of life from those who would destroy the country”
Politicians, talking heads, commentators, race baiters, make a living off of keeping the low IQ faction “fired up” and on the edge of their seat waiting for the next attack on everything they hold dear by the (fill in the blank)
Someone that doesn’t agree with your tax plan or budget priorities is not a Satan worshiping commie bent on destroying your way of life and putting you in FEMA camps or just killing you outright because they didn’t vote along with “your guy”
Can we go back to “going postal” instead of “fighting the Nazi Concentration Camp baby killers who hate everything warm and fuzzy” or “defending our very way of life from those commie socialists who want take away God, baseball, and apple pie”
Get a freaking grip