I’m not a Never Trumper, not an Anti Trumper, not a Swamper, not a RINO
I am at best agnostic about Trump
I am a hardcore conservative Republican. I always have been since before I could vote for Reagan in ‘80. I’m not into personality, I’m into policy and action. Reagan was as close to hero worship I have come.
Trump is a joke, he’s a punchline. I don’t know if it’s more Archie Bunker or P.T. Barnum, but he is a showman that Billy Mays would have been envious of. His trash talk is legendary as well as his thin skin and childish reaction rants.
But he ours, he’s what we got right now, and he has some things that concern me.
He is not conservative. He told us during the primary “I’m not a conservative, I’m a Republican”. He is not pro life, pro gun, spends like a Democrook. I haven’t heard the word ‘deficit’ since the 2016 election and its huge (to coin a term) if the definition of RINO is “Republicans in name only” then Trump is the embodiment of it.
He is all show, all about his brand. Greatest, unmatched wisdom, stable genius, most, best, biggest EVAR!!!
And thats ok, it’s who he is. The tax cuts (mine increased) are temporary for us, permanent for the corporations. This may have been the Party’s idea and the current trend of “keep voting for us or the tax cuts will go away” style of campaigns. I understand that, it’s a manipulation the Democraps used for years. I don’t like it, but it is what it is.
what worries me are the believers.
We made fun of the Obama faithful. When he made his 57 States remark they did everything to include counting Commonwealths and Territories to try and get to 57 so that he wasn’t wrong. Over and over, corpseman, clinging to guns and bibles, pictures of rainbows from his hands, halos, Roman columns, etc
we laughed and made memes and joked about the church of Obama.
Now we have our own people, some of the same ones that laughed at the Obamaites, searching foreign language dictionaries to find ‘covfefe’, memes af riding bears in shining armor waving a flag, tough guy that’s 100 lbs slimmer and Melania with bigger boobs and no pouch, biggest, greatest, EVAR!!!
And if nothing can be found to justify or excuse then….he’s just trolling the left, making heads explode, brilliant, genius.
And if you aren’t completely, full throatedly, MAGA screaming, Trump Uber Ales……then by default you are attacked as an America hating, swamp creature, Deep State communist operator, never Trumper, fake news, Hillary lover, RINO, establishment, globalist.
Nothing in between, one or the other. Attack with us or be attacked. If you’re not beside us, you’re against us.
I hear today and most likely will for days that Bagdadi was much, much bigger target than Bin Laden. (I’m glad he’s dead, we have excellent people, don’t get me wrong) but the story is getting bigger and bigger. Whimpering and crying, ran into a tunnel with no end (that’s called a cave) much more important that Bin Laden, etc, etc
In January 2025 (hopefully) he is going to leave office and leave the place to Pence/Haley (again hopefully)
The weeping and wailing, gnashing of teeth is going to be off the charts. Trump TV will start (with a paid subscription) the Trump brand will be huge, greatest, biggest, in history of the universe.
Thin skinned, whining, ranting, knee jerk attacks, blind loyalty demands, deep seated need for continuous praise and adoration from everyone around him. Soprano parody of an administration can end
And we can get back to an approximation of statesmanship. Policy not based on brand. Slightly smaller ego’s