I’m Catching Up on Range Days

My lovely and long suffering wife, Mamacita Caliente, says to go to the range as much as I can now. I’ll be back at work soon. So…….

I did some work to this one, I changed the hammer to a double action only and a spring job. Very smooth and a different feel, I’m still getting used to it. Remembering the old Defense Standard, 5 shots on a playing card at 10 yards
I’m getting back to it, if I wouldn’t have been a little to the right, I would have pulled one off the card.

Double taps with it.

One of my old favorites, an HK P7 Sqeezecocker. Very accurate.

The Grail Gun. A Springfield Armory Custom Shop Professional model.
No wonder the FBI love these things.

Everything was 10 yards, standing (slightly leaning on the knee) unsupported.