Another 45ACP range day

took three of my favorite 45s to the range today.

All at 10 yards, Winchester 230 grain FMJ

my blacked out Kimber Custom Pro. Very light, great for carry.

This is why it’s great for carry

My very first 1911 (that wasn’t issued) is a Springfield Armory Target Model that I shot slow fire bullseye with at our local range, then used it for a test gun for 45 reloads. It was falling apart when I sent it off to be rebuilt. Back to awesome.

My “school gun” is an Sig P-220 Carry model. It has a double action (DAK) trigger feels like a nice long revolver trigger. The only gun I take to self defense/shooting school. It’s tight, shoots everything well, reliable, and it’s not flashy. I like it.

This is why it’s my “School Gun”
Let’s try the playing card.

5 shots at 10 yards on a playing card and you should be able to “make the shot”

When I get back to work, there is going to be a lot less of this……damn.

You haven’t cooked in a while

the lovely and long suffering Mamacita Caliente said this to me… has been a while. Knee replacement and all.

Breaded Veal with some chunky pasta salad with veggies. Lemon slices are great with veal.

1911 45ACP

I took the small 1911s to the range. All of them are 45ACP, all 230 grain, 10 yards.

Colt CCO. I don’t know how old this is, I got it used and had it reworked so much that the only thing original is the frame and slide. Officers size (small)

5 rounds on a playing card at 10 yards is the tactical standard. I pulled one low.

Para Ordinance LDA. This one is from the early 2000s. Nicely centered, another Officers size (small)

Springfield Armory Lightweight Champion Operator. I’ve shot this one so much, I had to put a new recoil spring set in it because it was getting loose…..looks like it worked.

this one is a little different, full Government size aluminum frame (large) with an officers slide (small)

it was a good day.

I’m Catching Up on Range Days

My lovely and long suffering wife, Mamacita Caliente, says to go to the range as much as I can now. I’ll be back at work soon. So…….

I did some work to this one, I changed the hammer to a double action only and a spring job. Very smooth and a different feel, I’m still getting used to it. Remembering the old Defense Standard, 5 shots on a playing card at 10 yards
I’m getting back to it, if I wouldn’t have been a little to the right, I would have pulled one off the card.

Double taps with it.

One of my old favorites, an HK P7 Sqeezecocker. Very accurate.

The Grail Gun. A Springfield Armory Custom Shop Professional model.
No wonder the FBI love these things.

Everything was 10 yards, standing (slightly leaning on the knee) unsupported.

Small Oddball Range Day

Mini range day with a couple of guns I don’t usually shoot anymore.

Beretta PX4 Storm in 40 S&W. It’s been remade by David Olhasso with a decock only and spring job. Robar did the refinish and the stippling job.

And a Sig P250 in 357 Sig

Everything was shot at 10 yards, unsupported.

My knee felt fine while I was standing there shooting…..but the I started walking.
That Old Wives Tale about the rain and your knees….its NOT an Old Wives Tale.

Range Day

First the disclaimers.
1) My left knee went south on February 2nd and I haven’t been able to get to the range. 2) My knee replacement was February 23rd, and I can’t shoot with a cane. So the foundation is a little shaky.

So, should I start with something little like a 22??………it’s like you don’t even know me!

357 Magnums!

all shots at 10 yards but the rifle which was 25 yards.

This is for the disclaimers, not great. (125 grain 357 magnums)

Much better, after a little warm up and figuring out a steady position.

Likely the most fun rifle I own. Winchester 92 in 357 Magnum, saddle ring carbine.

I just had to get a 45 acp in there. Glock model 30, 230 grain ball ammunition.

That’s a little better.

Five weeks on from my total knee replacement

But I’m still cooking. Therapy says I’m doing great.

I’ve invented some new profanities, haven’t taken any pain meds for two weeks (didn’t like how I felt)

lightly breaded chicken tenderloin, Garlic Alfredo sauce with chopped onions and peppers.

PaPa is cooking

One of the best liked post are about PaPa cooking. I’ve always said the best cooks are people who have been hungry.
my wonderful Mother taught me to cook, not necessarily recipes, but how to cook.

Queso Chicken

Paella with Smoked Sausage

Beef and Bowtie soup

We found some chicken pattys that we like doing in the air fryer. Cream sauce and veggies over Angelhair pasta

Same pattys with Marinara and Spagetti

didn’t forget the Beef and veggie mix

Steak tips and rice

Don’t think Mama can’t cook too. Awesome Meatloaf and salsa

Mama’s roast is excellent.

Range Day

I’m getting a knee replacement in a week, but I can still go to the range.

Everything was at 10 yards, double action except where annotated.

this Model 19 S&W is 30 years old. Still shoots great.

S&W 586 L-Comp, my favorite carry wheel gun.

Belly gun has to be a little closer. This was 6 yards, double action only.

Ruger SP101 with a bunch of work done.