Recent politics

We are seeing and living in the natural progression of 24/7 satellite news feeds and politicians who are trying to “move the needle” a little more in their direction.
Everything, absolutely everything is done for the optics and desire to be “trending” in order to influence the masses.

Very little actual substance exists in anything that you see in the first 8 minutes of broadcast. And the commentary portion of the feed has gone from Andy Rooney getting his 5 minutes to hour long shows of political talking points spouters arguing with other talking points spouters for ratings.

Rush used to be a blast to listen to. The parodies and commentary were difficult to hear without laughing. Now it’s the most depressing show on radio, the “others” who want to destroy our country and our wayoflife. 
Somewhere around Obama’s re-election Rush turned into a ranter rather than a parody barker.

Reagan defeated liberals by laughing at them, not ridiculing them. I would hate to have had CNN, Fox, and all the bombthrowing media multi millionaires shredding everything he did, said, looked like, thought about saying, expected to do, “may have thought about looking like he was about to think of doing” type of colonoscopy we have today.

It’s not about the country. It’s about ratings points, poll number shift direction, expected turnouts.
You can actually sit in a group with little dials in your lap to gauge how you feel about a speech while it is in progress according your demographic, age, political leaning, and party affiliations.

And this is touted by the experts as “research”

It does seem that the GOP will do things to benefit or further their own voters
While the Democrooks want to hurt the oppositions voters, taking their own for granted.

The Republicans will promise and ignore their demographic, national reciprocity and gun free zone for example, only to “throw them a bone” and assume their support.

The Ds will promise their demographic the destruction of their assumed enemies. And follow through on just enough to not get voted out by the majority. Gun control is a good example, even Obama knew better than to just give lip service to the issue.
Everytime they try it with an actual (not a safe vote) legislation, they pay for it. Clinton may have stayed after the AWB but a lot of Dems paid the price. The best they could do was a half hearted campaign to stop the sunset of it

We need a secure border. Number one on the hot list. Number one by a light year. I am fully in support of securing our border like a Tupperware bowl can only wish it could, a vacuum chamber of a border on every border, port, etc
The “wall” is a joke and a campaign slogan. Build walls, fences, barriers anywhere we can. But that isn’t much, we have to secure the border.
How to do it?

The DOJ consists of every federal law enforcement agency. US Mashals, ICE, Customs, Border Patrol, even TSA. The executive (President) is the leading law enforcement official in the country. These agencies are under his control and he can prioritize what he wants to focus on. Be that drugs, guns (as Obama did), riot control (the ‘60s), Clinton and Reno had studies about dealing with the militias (remember that)

Any President, by virtue of the office can close the border, mobilize LEO resources to the border, increase workforce, increase firepower, transfer responsibility, focus on what he deems important.
I have stated before, not just with Trump, the President could secure the border with a memo of they wanted to. It’s already part of his job, he doesn’t need any more funding for it. The DOJ is already funded very well thank you.

Understand how the legislative process works. Just because a bill was voted on, committee reformed, passed and signed doesn’t fund the bill. That has to go through the budget process. Remember Kerry voting for the war before voting against it, that was it. Voting for the war powers bill, but voting against the funding of it.

Congress can go back and fully fund the Reagan amnesty bill and secure the border, the law already exists. It was never funded (Tip O’Neil)
The legislation in 2006 for the border security was neverfunded. If it was funded right now, we would have all the funds needed. But congress defunded the border security measures in both of those laws. That’s how they backstabbed Reagan, and he never trusted their word again.
Ted Cruz brought this up in the primaries, but was drowned out by the MAGAMAGA chants.

Listen very carefully, and think about this……….under budget reconciliation, that we use as a matterof course now, the Republican controlled congress (House and Senate) could have done this with a simple majority for the last two sessions.

Why didn’t they? Why doesn’t Trump?
It’s not rocket science, its the will to actually do it rather that campaign on the issue.
If Trump had secured the border in the first six months of this administration, I would be among the first Trumpers to chant MAGAMAGA.
But he hasn’t, doesn’t want to, isn’t going to.

We have to stop being rubes. Government isn’t a pep rally, think past the brim on your MAGA hat.

Taken from conversation on a popular online forum

I just bought a new watch

What are some of the challenges men face?

Srulovicz video also cites figures from Bureau of Labor Statistics:

  • Men make up 93 percent of workplace fatalities.
  • Men represent more than 97 percent of war fatalities.
  • 79 percent of homicide victims are male.
  • Men make up 80 percent of suicide victims.
  • 75 percent of homeless people are men.

I just bought a V-1 in Cubic Blue from the Egard Watch website.

I will wear it proudly, and have contacted them and told them so

On Mary, 2018

On Mary

 With the honoring of the Immaculate Conception this last Saturday, I’m submitting this post again;

On Mary
(A look at the genetics of The Lord)

Few things are as contentious as Mary. Her position, importance, and place in the history of the church.
But I want to take a look in a fresh way at Mary and her history. God does things in a very methodical way, layer upon layer and precept upon precept. Laying a foundation and building on it one step at a time in a logical manner. Could He have snapped His fingers and made His wishes instantly? Yes, but that is not how He seems to do things.
Let’s go all the way back to the Garden of Eden and the creation of Adam. Where does Adams DNA come from? From God of course, it was designed and created by Him for modern mankind. It was developed complete and without corruption. Adam had full genetic expression, perfectly functional and without error.
When the time came for the creation of Woman, God didn’t go back to the dust of the Earth but took a rib from Adam. Why the rib?
What is in the rib but bone marrow. The genetic structure of the DNA of the host. Stem cells, RNA etc.
God took Adam’s DNA from the marrow and genetically modified it into the female version of his DNA, XX from XY, and created the woman. (God didn’t call her Eve, “they” were Adam. Mankind in male and female form, the species of Man) Thats why Adam said upon seeing her “this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23)
As much as I love and adore my wife she is not bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. Thats a child not a spouse. She was literally of his bone and flesh,
male and female.
After the Fall (which is a whole other topic) corruption (sin) entered into the genetic structure of mankind. All the talk of the “sons of God entering into the daughters of man” notwithstanding (again, another topic) the genetic structure of man became corrupt until the point where “the thoughts of man were only evil continually” but Noah was “perfect in his generations” (Genesis 6:9) his DNA was not corrupted to the point of irreparable. So God saved Noah and his sons and his daughters in laws. (That will be important later)
We hear no more about the sons of God after the flood. All the corrupted DNA was purged and the Plan started again fresh with Noah’s DNA.
Dr. Rob Carter does great work on the genetics after the fall. With a study titled “Mitochondrial Diversity within Modern Human Populations” in his lecture series “Mitochondrial DNA and the Three Daughters of Noah”
As he focuses a great deal on the Tower of Babel and the effect on genetic diversity.
Eventually Abraham was called from his land and led away. After receiving the Promise of being the father of a great nation and the Covenant between God and Man through Abraham he was told of his upcoming son. After Abraham had Ishmael with Hagar, God rejected him and told Abraham that he will have a son by Sarah. (Genesis 17:19) And the others were sent away.
When Isaac was born and old enough to marry he was told not to marry local women but to take a wife from the family line. (Important) Sending a servant to find a wife from the family and returning with her.
When Isaac and Rebecca had children they were the twins, Jacob and Esau.
The boys looked very different. (Important)
Esau married local women but Jacob was sent to take a wife from the family line of his mother (mitochondrial line) and wed Leah and Rachael. Scripture states that “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated” (Romans 9:13)
The sons of Leah and Rachael were the influential tribes of Israel. The lessor tribes were the sons of the handmaids. The tribe of Judah was chosen even though he was not the firstborn or by any means the most moral. Why was not the tribe of Joseph the chosen tribe? He was the moral and upstanding son of Israel.
Joseph was given a wife by Pharaoh, not from the line of Israel. His sons were to receive an inheritance but were not important or influential compared to Judah or Levi.
When Israel and the brothers were introduced to Pharaoh, Joseph told them not to tell him the are shepherds as the are an abomination to the Egyptians.
They then told Pharaoh that they were shepherds. Separating themselves from the Egyptians and inadvertently (or by direction) segregated their line and culture from the local peoples. (Genesis 46:34-47:4)
When the son of Judah took Tamar as a wife he died without a son. The law said that his brother should marry and raise sons with his widow. But the son refused (a polite way to put it) and God killed him as well. When Judah promised his youngest son to Tamar but was later not given to him she took action on her own. Was this at Gods direction? Was her Mitochondrial DNA important to the Plan? I believe so. Remember that Tamar is listed in the genealogy of The Lord. (Genesis 38:6)
When Moses’s story begins and the people are led from captivity the people are a much more numerous but distinct people. When the law is given it is very explicit about marrying outside of the people of Israel. Keeping the genetics pure and on track. Upon the entry into the Promised Landwe are introduced to Rahab. We don’t know her genealogy but she was from Jericho and helped the Israelites enter the city. She later converted to Judaism and traditionally married one of the spies sent into Jericho. She is also listed in the genealogy of The Lord. (Joshua 6:25)
The book of Ruth is during this time and her mitochondrial DNA is also added to the narrative via Boas. The grandfather of David.
The book of Judges list all the times the people of Israel fell short of these laws, many times with marriages and religions outside of Israel. Again and again God sent judges to return the people to Him and His law until he gave them a king. The long story of the rise of David notwithstanding, lets look at him. David was not the firstborn of Jesse, and was different in appearance to his brothers. (Important) David was smaller and we are told he had a “ruddy” completion. But he was told that through his line the Messiah would come.
David married many women from different peoples but his line would be from Solomon, his mother Bathsheba was known for her uncommon beauty. (Genetics again)
Ten tribes were separated including the tribes of the handmaids and Israel was reduced to Judah and Benjamin. Benjamins land was within the borders of Judah. After many twist and turns, wars and idolatry, faith and falling of the Israelites. They are sent into captivity.
There are many stories about the captives keeping with their faith and returning to God. After the return of the captives and the rebuilding of the temple there is not longer any problem of idolatry amongst the people of Israel. In fact when Ezra returns and rebuild the nation, he is very distressed about the men marrying local women. After discussion and prayer, Ezra orders the men to put away their foreign wives and (important) their children. And take wives of Israel. Restoring the genetic line. (Ezra 9:1-10:44)

What was God trying to do this whole time?

Step by step, generation by generation, God was selectively breeding his people. Remember Noah’s daughter is laws, they were not perfect in their generations as Noah was. Noah’s sons were genetically correct but the daughters were not. We ate told that mitochondrial DNA can be traced back farther than nuclear DNA. This is because it is traced back through the daughter to Eve. Nuclear DNA goes back to Noah. Thus the adjustments to the mitochondrial (mothers) DNA through Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth.
God was rebuilding, a little at a time, logically, step by step the original DNA of Adam and Eve. Separating distinct people and then distinct individuals. Massaging the genetics of the people until he finally got to…Mary.
I don’t believe God sat on his throne and said it was time for His Son to come into the world then look down on the crowd in Israel and pick Mary at random. She was prepared and designed for this time.
When Gabriel came to Mary he said “full of grace” as a greeting. There had not been a salvation yet, how could she be full of grace. When he told her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would bear a son.

No, God did not rape Mary, The Holy Spirit didn’t molest Mary, aliens didn’t inseminate Mary. Thats modern mans foolishness.

God did the same thing that he had done with Adam. He modified her DNA and inseminated her with a male version of her own, original, DNA.
That is what God meant in the Garden when he told the serpent that He would put enmity between him and her “seed”. Woman doesn’t have seed, men do, women have the egg. How can she have seed? he also didn’t say “woman’s seed” but “her” seed, referring to Eve as an individual. Mary was genetically the same as Eve. And a male version of her DNA was the same as Adam’s. Fulfilling Gods word from the beginning. (Genesis 3;15)

Points to consider:
St Paul refers to Jesus as the last Adam. (1 Corinthians 15:47)

One of the criticisms of the Church is that the traditional image of Jesus doesn’t look like a typical Jewish man of the era. Why should he, he was not the same as them genetically, he probably looked a lot like Adam

The Church has described Mary as the Immaculate Conception, the pinnacle of Creation, and teaches that she was born without original sin. I’ll quote Pope Pius IX;

In 1850, Pope Pius IX taught that all Catholics must accept an ancient Christian belief about Mary, the mother of Jesus: that God granted her a kind of baptism at her conception.
Since God stands outside of time, He could give her the graces of Christ’s redemption in advance. So when she was born, she was just like Adam and Eve at their creation: free of original sin.

The only people born without original sin were Adam and Eve…

And Mary.

Gotta love Gunny

Gunny has been gone since April. I loved to watch him.

there is some language warnings with this, but it’s awesome