Small Hunters knife

I really like this one. Blackwood on Spalted Maple, mosaic cross pin, brass tube pins on 1/8 inch Stainless Steel.
Very light, very sharp.

Damascus Belt Knife

I just finished this one. I may play with the finish a little more, maybe some wax. But I kind of like the rustic look of it.

wicked sharp though

Grandson Knives

Two of the grandsons are old enough and want a knife for fieldwork. I didn’t want to make them folders and have them “conveniently forget” and take them to school.

black/blue micarta handles
File work on the spine

This one is blue, the other one will be green.

Here it is, three stitches worth

Mamas Chef Knife is done but a layer or two of sealer.

Damascus Steel with black and gold resin handles, mosaic pin

Mamasita Caliente is very happy. It was worth the stitches.

Wheelgun Day

All shooting at 10 yards. 357s are shooting 357 mag, 38s are shooting 38 specials. All Winchester White Box 158 Grain for both.

S&W 629PC
357 Mag – 8 times
S&W 586 L-Comp. 357 Magnum, 7 shots.
action job done by Bob Munden about a year before he passed
S&W Model 19 Combat Magnum. Early ‘90s production, pinned and recessed. This gun was in terrible shape when I got it. It cleaned up nice.
carry guns have to shoot playing cards
The oldest handgun I have, ‘78 Colt Detective Special.
Still shoots great.
Ruger SP101 with some work done. Great car gun
carry guns have to hold playing cards at 10 yards. I had two rounds left, the Colt is a six shot.

Next week (when the stitches are out)

44 Magnums!

.45 Day at the Range

All shooting is done at 10 yards with 230 grain Blazer Brass hardball except where noted.

Springfield Armory Target model. This gun was what I used for bullseye years ago. It’s been rebuilt at least twice. Thousands of rounds through this one.
Pistol Dynamics XO model. Custom, long list on this build.
My 5th Anniversary gift (It was almost our 7th before I got it)
Kimber Lightweight Custom.
Old Para Ordnance CCO Light Double Action (LDA)
I pulled one on each of these, I’m out of practice.
(I blame the railroad)
Both of these are carry guns, so gotta do the playing cards
The plastic guns get shot too. Glock 30 with a trigger job
EDC Gun. This isn’t with the Blazer brass but with Federal 230 grain HST carry ammo.
you have to check the zero on the laser from time to time.
its a little high

Next week…..Wheelguns

Mama’s Knife

Mama wants a knife…..we want our women happy, right?

nice Damascus

add a little color
some nice wood and a little resin. Brass insert
some Teak Oil for finish
Mamasita Caliente is happy